Don't Be Afraid To Touch Yourself

Sunday, May 23, 2021

As a massage therapist I am very aware of the incredible amount of tension many people carry. Often both my clients and myself wish it were feasible for them to recieve treatments every few days. What has surprised me in my practice is the feedback I have recieved when I suggest that clients massage themselves to help decrease pain and discomfort in between treatments. Comments have ranged from "I don't know how" and; "Won't I do some damage to myself?" to; "I didn't think I could do that to myself"; and "What if I hurt myself?"

I started to realize that these thoughts are very common, and that they say a lot about the disrupted state of our mind-body connection. Obviously if my clients who were comfortable recieving massage therapy treatments were having these troubling and uneasy thoughts, just think of the people who are uncomfortable with having someone else touch them. Would they be agreeable with self-help measures such as self-massage?

Well I am here to tell you: Please do not be afraid to touch yourself! Self-massage is a safe and effective treatment for all ages, from childhood to senior years, and it will help you achieve better health and improve the quality of your life.


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