Help for Headaches

Thursday, June 3, 2021

You are partway through your day and you can feel the headache coming on. You know that if you could just stop what you're doing, throw yourself under some blankets and forget the world, you might stand a chance of feeling okay. But you can't, and all you can think of is...uh oh, here it comes.

There are many little tips that can help. 

  • Take a tiny break. It's worth it to regroup and just sit with yourself.
  • Water! We often forget to drink water, and dehydration can lead to headaches. Studies show that even mild dehydration can affect concentration. A few sips of water can help stimulate you and keep you alert.
  • Move! Just looking around (away from your computer) can help ease some tension in your neck and shoulders - the same tension that can lead to headaches. Take a look at your ceiling, take a look at your floor, look towards each shoulder and then tilt your ear towards each shoulder. Each easy movement will help decrease some of that tension.
  • Gently self-massage across your forehead and into your temples. While sitting put your elbows on your desk or the table in front of you. Put the fingertips of both hands along the centre line of your forehead. Allow the weight of your head to rest on your fingertips. Slowly separate your hands, allowing your fingers to easily massage your forehead across from that centre line outwards. From here you can  massage the temples on each side with gentle circles.

Often we know what to do when we are experiencing discomfort. This blog is a reminder to take some time for yourself and please, don't be afraid to touch yourself.


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